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 Muscle Imbalances cause pain-Why?

Are you suffering from chronic pain, muscle aches, sports injury, fatigue, headaches?    We can help YOU!

MUSCULOSKELETAL CONDITIONS frequently show patterns of muscle imbalance. Some patterns areassociated with habitually poor posture. Other imbalances may result from occupational or recreational activities in which there is persistent use of certain muscles without adequate exercise of opposing muscles. Most imbalances affect body alignment and are a culprit for many painful postural conditions.

Our musculoskeletal system is comprised of:           

Bones                Muscles            Connective tissues (shape, stabilize & allow movement of human body,  while protecting vital organs)

It is by means of this system that we participate in sports, complete daily tasks, sing, have intimacy, paint and play musical instruments. It is the greatest user of energy in the body. Thus, it is the primary source of pain, discomfort and disability.

Sometimes, the primary cause of pain is SOMATIC DYSFUNCTION, which is defined as any impairment or altered function of the body framework (skeletal, arthrodial, myofascial structures and lymphatic elements).           

                                             Somatic = anything involving the ‘body-mind’ relationship

               Patterning = intentionally changing body-mind patterns to improve posture and movement.

Major influences on health that are commonly involved in causing or intensifying pain can be broadly classified into three categories. The examples given below can be readily seen as not only individually problematic, but also to profoundly interact with each other and create a cascade of effects.

BIOMECHANICAL                                 BOICHEMICAL                                        PSYCHOSOCIAL

Trauma                                                             Inflammation                                                    Stress

Postural                                                            Dehydration                                                      Guilt

Muscular (includes Trigger Points)              Nutritional                                                         Fear

Congenital                                                        Hormonal                                                          Anxiety

“Wear and Tear”                                              Ischemia                                                           Emotions

Joint Dysfunction                                             Toxicity                                                              Litigation

Overuse, misuse                                               Immune                                                            Depression

Disuse, abuse                                                    Response                                                          

Neural entrapment/compression                                                                                             Somatization

In addressing these categories, it is acknowledged that there can be local and/or systemic causes of pain and dysfunction, as well as numerous perpetuating factors, that, if left untreated, may cause ‘mysterious’ recurrence of the condition. Intervention in one category can affect the others remarkably. The therapist’s role is to lighten the load and work towards more efficient handling of the adaptive load by encouraging the client to alter daily habits.

Bodywork that ignores re-training and re-education will only have short-term benefits, since much of any chronic dysfunctional pattern of use will be firmly locked into habitual neural and behavioral patterns. (Chaitow 2011)

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